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Wellhead Monitor Specifications

Satellite remote terminal unit

Operating Temperature-40 C to +70 C
Humidity+95% non-condensing
Environmental Protection
PCB TreatmentConformally coated for H2S environment
Signal ConnectorsGold Plated
Power ConnectorsNickel Plated
PCB mountingPVC snaptack, requiring no screw; vibration resistant
Local Operator Entry
Display4 x 20 LCD
Keys5 x 4 wide pattern Membrane
Low Power ModePower down after 20 minutes
Material0.090" thick aluminum
FinishWhite Epoxy, suitable for off-shore use
Locking MechanismPadlock with outdoor-style combination lock
PortabilityBuilt-in carrying handles
Electronic Board Set
CPU16-bit NEC V25+
Memory640k RAM maximum, Lithium battery backup;
128k PROM maximum
Crystal16 Mhz
Watchdog TimerCPU and Radio Protection
Communication Ports3, RS232
ModemLow Power 1200 bps, standard
AddressDip Switch selectable, 255 stations
Realtime ClockOnboard
Power SourceSolar Cell driven with high voltage cutoff; Low voltage battery cutoff at 10.8 VDC; Battery charger onboard
Thermocouple InputTow J-type 0-300 F range
Solar Panel
Output5 watts
Weight2.5 lbs.
MountingDirect to top of enclosure
MakeEF Johnson
Frequency Range450-480 Mhz

Sensor Package

EnclosureSimilar to Electronic Enclosure
TypePressure, Delta Pressure
RangeApplication Specific
Material316 Stainless
Sensing ElementsPiezo-Electric
Accuracy0.5% with 3-point calibration

Software Package

LanguageC, per Kernighan & Ritchie, ANSI proposed standard
Flow ControlProprietary Proportional Integrated Time
Gas Flow EquationUser specified
Gas-H2O-Crude ProductionEstimated, using Murdock Equation for Gas/Liquid flows; Requires Constants, such as Gas-to-Crude Ratio and Water Cut Fraction
Data Storage5 days typical, with 256k RAM
Communication ProtocolUser Specified; IAR CRC package Standard

Meter Run/Control Valve

Type-Rotating Disc Multiple Orifice
Working Pressure3500 PSI
Flow volumesCv's to 820
Material316 Stainless
ActuatorPneumatic, 6" diaphragm
Body Rating500 PSI
Pneumatic Controller
Limit SwitchesValve Open/Close hermetically sealed magnetic
Position IndicatorExternal Window for viewing state; Resistive pot for electronic sensing
SolenoidsExplosion-proof housed, low power
Gaslift OrificeANSI class 1500 lb. raised flanges
Meter Run Connection2" RTJ 1500 lb. weld neck flanges on each end

Specifications subject to change without notice.
